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myOffice Email Message
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<span style=
"color:#FF0000 "><b><span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif ">[Reply]</span></b></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"color:#000000 ">Ross,</span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"color:#000000 ">It was invalid as the confirmation is only valid for three days, and you must have delayed responding to the message. Here is the relevant part of the message:</span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"color:#FF0000 "><b>"Note that confirmation strings expire approximately 3 days after the initial subscription request. If your confirmation has expired, please try to re-submit your subscription. Otherwise, re-enter your confirmation string."</b></span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"color:#000000 ">Bounces occur when the Mailman List Server (for whatever reason) gets your mail bounced back. This is usually genuine as it is a message coming back from either your ISP, or your mail server (as appropriate).</span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"color:#000000 ">If this persists emali me back offlist</span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"color:#000000 ">Gary Benner</span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"color:#000000 ">List Admin</span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"color:#000000 ">A</span><span style=
"color:#FF0000 "><b>t 09:57 on 19/04/2005 you wrote </b></span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"color:#008000 ">>To : delphi@ns3.123.co.nz</span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"color:#008000 ">>CC : </span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"color:#008000 ">>From: Ross Levis, ross@stationplaylist.com</span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"color:#008000 ">>Content Type: text/plain</span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"color:#008000 ">>Attached: </span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"color:#008000 ">></span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"color:#008000 ">>Email delivery was just disabled again for this list. I received the </span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"color:#008000 ">>message below, the second one now. The confirmation system isn't </span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"color:#008000 ">>working and says it is invalid.</span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"color:#008000 ">></span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"color:#008000 ">>I'm not aware of any issues with my email system. I get dozens of </span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"color:#008000 ">>emails every day, mostly spam.</span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"color:#008000 ">></span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"color:#008000 ">>So if anyone has replied to my emails can you please do so again. I'll </span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"color:#008000 ">>repost the messages shortly.</span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"color:#008000 ">></span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"color:#008000 ">>Thanks,</span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"color:#008000 ">>Ross.</span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"color:#008000 ">></span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"color:#008000 ">>----- Original Message ----- </span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"color:#008000 ">>From: <delphi-request@ns3.123.co.nz></span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"color:#008000 ">>To: <ross@stationplaylist.com></span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"color:#008000 ">>Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2005 7:58 AM</span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"color:#008000 ">>Subject: confirm 84bfb9326da379b13a91b341b723d804f595d7f3</span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"color:#008000 ">></span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"color:#008000 ">></span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"color:#008000 ">>Your membership in the mailing list Delphi has been disabled due to</span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"color:#008000 ">>excessive bounces The last bounce received from you was dated</span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"color:#008000 ">>19-Apr-2005. You will not get any more messages from this list until</span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"color:#008000 ">>you re-enable your membership. You will receive 3 more reminders like</span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"color:#008000 ">>this before your membership in the list is deleted.</span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"color:#008000 ">></span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"color:#008000 ">>To re-enable your membership, you can simply respond to this message</span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"color:#008000 ">>(leaving the Subject: line intact), or visit the confirmation page at</span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"color:#008000 ">></span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"color:#008000 ">> http://ns3.123.co.nz/mailman/confirm/delphi/84bfb9326da379b13a91b341b723d804f595d7f3</span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"color:#008000 ">></span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"color:#008000 ">></span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"color:#008000 ">>You can also visit your membership page at</span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"color:#008000 ">></span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"color:#008000 ">> http://ns3.123.co.nz/mailman/options/delphi/ross%40stationplaylist.com</span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"color:#008000 ">></span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"color:#008000 ">></span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"color:#008000 ">>_______________________________________________</span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"color:#008000 ">>Delphi mailing list</span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"color:#008000 ">>Delphi@ns3.123.co.nz</span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"color:#008000 ">>http://ns3.123.co.nz/mailman/listinfo/delphi</span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"color:#008000 ">></span></span><p>
<font face=arial size = 1 color = Navy><DIV style="WIDTH: 260px; HEIGHT: 50px"><MARQUEE id=marquee1 style="WIDTH: 260px; HEIGHT: 200px" trueSpeed scrollAmount=5 scrollDelay=20 direction=right behavior=slide loop=1 border="2"><hr><table><tr><td><FONT color=black size=4 face = "helvetica,verdana,arial">Gary Benner </FONT></td></tr><tr><td><FONT face="arial, arial, helvetica, sans-serif" color=black size=2>e-Engineer, Lecturer, and Software Developer</FONT></td></tr><br>
<tr><td bgcolor=><FONT face="arial, arial, helvetica, sans-serif" color=#000099 size=2><B><A HREF="http://www.123.co.nz" style="text-decoration:none; color:blue">123 Internet Limited</A></B></FONT></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=><FONT face="arial, arial, helvetica, sans-serif" color=#000099 size=2><B><A HREF="http://www.waiariki.ac.nz" style="text-decoration:none; color:#993333">Waiariki Institute of Technology</A></B></FONT></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=><FONT face="arial, arial, helvetica, sans-serif" color=#CECE00 size=2><B><A HREF="http://www.sunshinebags.co.nz" style="text-decoration:none; color:#CECE00">Sunshine Garden Bag Co.</A></B></FONT></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=><FONT face="arial, arial, helvetica, sans-serif" color=red size=2><B><A HREF="http://www.sommnet.com" style="text-decoration:none; color:red" >Sommnet.com Limited</A></B></FONT></td></tr><tr><td><font face = 22helvetica,verdana,arial" size = 1>Mob: 021 966 992</font></td></tr><tr><td><font face = "helvetica,verdana,arial" size = 1>Email: <A href="mailto:gary@123.co.nz" >gary@123.co.nz</A> </font></td></tr></table></MARQUEE></DIV><br>
Ref#: 41006<br>