[DUG] Firemonkey stringgrid question

John Bird johnkbird at paradise.net.nz
Fri Nov 11 19:29:04 NZDT 2016

What is the best practice way to in Berlin Firemonkey havea custom layout and appearance for stringgrid cell?
I am wondering if stringgrid is not the best option for what I am trying to do – I want to customise a cell (2 or 3 labels in each, with different sizes and colours).
Similar to what Alistair Christie does in the Firemonkey Period table example with a Listbox.   There the way is to create a ListBoxItem, and apply the layout style to it.
Listbox has rows but it is a less general control,  I would prefer to use a stringgrid over a listbox,  unless there are reasons to avoid it in Firemonkey, especially if going cross platform.
question - What is the object to use to assign layout to for a stringgrid cell in 10.1 Berlin?
Note I came across a couple of warnings about changes to grids in latest versions:
a previous example from Raize for earlier version of Firemonkey
Unfortunately, the TColumn.CellControlByRow method was moved from the public section to protected in XE4. Therefore, in order to access this, we need to create a little helper class.

  TColumnAccess = class( TColumn )
Unfortunately helper classes look to not be an option in Berlin.
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