[DUG] Stange window pops up after conversion

Jeremy Coulter jscoulter at gmail.com
Wed Mar 9 09:00:24 NZDT 2016

Good point. Sorry a bit more info :-)

By "in debug mode" I meant build config is set to "debug".
What I mean by "Command Window" is it "Looks" like a command window, i.e it
a Window Form with a black screen like a Windows Command Window/Terminal
window. I suspect it is a type of "Event Log" window, but I cant find where
this would be enabled/disabled.
I will do a search to make sure I ma not using OutputDebugString()
somewhere. I dont think I am, but you have given me some thoughts to look

Thanks, Jeremy

On Wed, Mar 9, 2016 at 7:42 AM, Jolyon Direnko-Smith <jsmith at deltics.co.nz>

> No answers (yet at least), but some questions that might help get you a
> closer to an answer....
> What exactly do you mean by a "command window" ?  What does it look like ?
> What does it do while running ?  How can you interact with it (if at all) ?
> Also, what do you mean by "in debug mode" ?  Does this window appear when
> running a "Debug" build when running outside the IDE ?  That is,
> compiled/built with the Debug release settings.  Or with a DEBUG
> conditional symbol defined ?  Or does the window only appear when running
> under the IDE ?  If it appears when running under the IDE, does it appear
> only when building the Debug configuration ?
> If it is something that appears only when running under the IDE then it is
> most likely some IDE window that is being auto-presented in these later
> versions of the IDE, perhaps due to some output from the app and this
> window not being normally present under your IDE layout configuration.
> Could it be the "Event log" window, where OutputDebugString() messages
> appear ?
> If it appears in Debug builds even when running stand-alone (i.e. not
> under the IDE debugger) then it must be some conditional code in the app,
> governed by compiler settings/conditional.defines (it could still be this
> even if it only appears under the IDE, if the code also includes a runtime
> check for the presence of a debugger).
> hth
> On 8 March 2016 at 21:14, Jeremy Coulter <jscoulter at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi All. I have been slowly converting a Delphi 2007 app, its a res. size,
>> to XE8.
>> Lets not get into the "why are you just doing it now" bit :-)
>> Anyway. when I run in debug mode, a command window appears. Now because
>> this is in debug mode, I am guessing this is prob. some sort of debug
>> output window. BUT, I cant see where to turn it off. I have not seen this
>> before!
>> I thought it might have been a hang-over from the old DPRJ file so i
>> created a new one, but it still shows. I am not running any "debug" tools.
>> Thanks, Jeremy
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