[DUG] Windows Surface

Jeremy Coulter jscoulter at gmail.com
Wed Dec 14 09:27:06 NZDT 2016

My 3 kids (16,14,12) use chrome books at school and yes the schools are
sensitive about price, but some kids use laptops or iPads or Surface
devices. But the other reason Schools go for the chrome books it the
PHENOMENAL battery life and almost all schools use Google Docs that is
setup and secured to the school. i.e. kids can only send emails to other
people at the school and can only receive emails and documents for that
matter, from other kids at the school.
Personally I prefer my kids use Chrome books because they cant play games
in school time and they are a device with a specific purpose. Plus if a
Chrome Book gets stolen its less of a hit in the pocket than an iPad or
I realize Chromebooks have their "issues" but in the main, my kids are
happy with them and they are just another tool they use each day.


On Wed, Dec 14, 2016 at 9:17 AM, Robert Martin <rob at chreos.co.nz> wrote:

> The Ironic thing is that at Schools all around NZ Chromebooks are
> selling like hot cakes.  They run only a web browser so their app
> support is worse than the Surface RT ! Schools choose them for price and
> battery life.  Unfortunately for MS, Google go the market they could
> have so easily won.
> The stunning thing really is that Google could make Chromebooks a killer
> device just by changing them to run Andriod.  Imagine a Chromebook with
> a vast software library.
> Cheers
> Rob
> On 14/12/2016 7:59 AM, Jolyon Direnko-Smith wrote:
> > Completely off topic but...
> >
> > I got a 1st Gen Surface RT when Microsoft sold off their tax write off
> > stock.  I picked up a 64GB model with touch typing cover for $273 (NZ)
> > delivered!  I got it just to play with/as a devtest rig, but quickly
> > came to love it.
> >
> > They were a huge missed opportunity ... for the market. Microsoft had
> > a great product but the market (or rather the market commentators)
> > didn't "get" it.  Sure, you couldn't run all Windows desktop apps on
> > them, but you can't run all Windows desktop apps on an Android tablet
> > or iPad either.  You can't even run OS X apps on an iPad.  Not even an
> > iPad Pro. So that argument clearly has nothing to do with the
> > success/failure of these things.  At least not for the users/consumers
> > of those massively successful devices.
> >
> > The apps that it did have were as good - and in some cases FAR better
> > - than the same apps on the other platforms.  And it did run Office.
> > Worth pointing out is that those RT devices ran Windows 8 and latterly
> > 8.1, not 10.
> >
> > As good as the Surface Pro range may be (debatable), the one thing
> > that the RT had over ANY of the competition was truly amazing battery
> > life which none of the Pro's come even close to.   That might sound
> > like a non-feature, but it meant not being tethered to a charger or at
> > least not having to panic if you couldn't see a charging opportunity
> > at some point on the very near horizon.
> >
> > Sure you can run all Windows desktop apps on those things, but all
> > Windows desktop apps are not designed to run on a tablet so being able
> > to do so is mostly an exercise in frustrated stabbing at the screen
> > with a finger you are desperately trying to pinch to form an accurate
> > pointing tip.
> >
> > But it was mostly the tech press that saw the lack of Win32 support as
> > a "problem" and using "number of app" in the store as a key metric
> > rather than the quality or relevance of the apps that were available.
> > And in writing the devices off on those points put people off from
> > even giving them a fair crack.
> >
> > They failed to SELL - they didn't sell but then get returned by masses
> > of disappointed customers.
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