Leigh Wanstead leigh.wanstead at gmail.com
Thu Jul 30 11:07:23 NZST 2015

Hi Jolyon,

If network round trip time has little or nothing to do with framework, how
you explain that url get different time from different framework? I will
assume that they will get similar time spent to get data on all framework.

Dalvik platform is slow which is agree by google. Dalvik is slower than
Sun's jdk on mobile platform I read somewhere on internet. The
consideration for dalvik is not speed, but app size.


On 30 July 2015 at 09:06, Jolyon Smith <jsmith at deltics.co.nz> wrote:

> But Leigh, network round trip times have little or nothing to do with Mono
> / Dalvik / ART.
> I shall leave the last word on Xamarin to someone else...
> http://www.whitneyland.com/2015/07/xamarin-review-2015.html
> I would also recommend reading the earlier post from the same author.
> Worth noting in these round-ups is the point about the lack of community
> assistance when it comes to finding Xamarin solutions to common platform
> issues (as opposed to the bugs and issues in Xamarin itself).  As mentioned
> before, RemObjects Elements avoids this problem due to the fact that the
> solutions for Java / Objective-C from the "native" communities for those
> platforms, can be applied *directly* in Elements projects in a way that
> is not often possible with Xamarin.
> On 29 July 2015 at 15:57, Leigh Wanstead <leigh.wanstead at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Jolyon,
>> It seems that we are going through the benchmark way :-)
>> I tried to run the app in the url you mentioned and it crashed.
>> How about you look at this url?
>> http://magenic.com/Blog/Post/4/Mobile-Development-Platform-Performance
>> My work is getting data from server which is similar to test 3.
>> java version shows 2.369s and xamarin version shows 1.738s in that url.
>> That is around half seconds difference.
>> I sometimes got around less than 70ms round trip time in my own test to
>> get data from server in sydney, Australian in north shore, Auckland, nz if
>> the server is not busy. That is amazing fast using Xamarin android.
>> Most customers are in Australia. I guess that they might get around 50ms
>> round trip time.
>> Regards
>> Leigh
>> On 29 July 2015 at 14:42, Jolyon Smith <jsmith at deltics.co.nz> wrote:
>>> ... and if only I had a million dollars I would be rich.
>>> As for Xamarin performance, consider the source.  By which I don't mean
>>> the code, I mean who is making what claims.
>>> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17134522/does-anyone-have-benchmarks-code-results-comparing-performance-of-android-ap
>>> Any advantage is only seen in an Intel Android VM.  On ARM (by far the
>>> most prevalent in terms of actual Android hardware), Dalvik beat Xamarin
>>> almost every time, until Xamarin.Android 4.7.11.
>>> What is odd about this is that these results are from 2013, over a year
>>> after Xamarin posted their claims about *astonishingly* superior
>>> performance vs Dalvik.  It is interesting that Xamarin do not disclose what
>>> environment their benchmarks were run in.  Also interesting that they do
>>> not compare themselves to ART which is the more relevant comparison going
>>> forward.
>>> In any event, I don't think there is any chance that Google will drop
>>> ART any time soon (they already dropped Dalvik) in favour of a Mono based
>>> implementation of Android.  ;)
>>> On 29 July 2015 at 13:51, Leigh Wanstead <leigh.wanstead at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Jolyon,
>>>> I mentioned to you before in the thread. If google choose to use mono
>>>> framework in android, xamarin apk size can reach several kb too. The reason
>>>> for me to use Xamarin is the app developed by Xamarin using mono framework
>>>> is faster than dalvik before ART time. The load time for the app is not my
>>>> main concern. I care about the speed running the app for whole lifecycle.
>>>> Here is the url https://blog.xamarin.com/android-in-c-sharp/
>>>> Regards
>>>> Leigh
>>>> On 29 July 2015 at 13:40, Jolyon Smith <jsmith at deltics.co.nz> wrote:
>>>>> What a fabulous attitude.  It's thanks to that sort of thinking
>>>>> that we now "need" machines with quad core 2.5GHz processors and 8GB of RAM
>>>>> just to run frikkin MS Word.​
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