[DUG] Reports XE6

John Bird johnkbird at paradise.net.nz
Thu May 15 23:14:55 NZST 2014

Anyone know if there is any flavour of Rave reports in Delphi XE6?   If not which version did it disappear in?
Have some limited purely code reports that use Rave, which I guess I would have to convert to Fast Reports etc.
(I have a module that prints contents of a form – so as long as there is a way of generating a report purely in code it should be easy enough
In Rave these are the functions it uses:
* Set page widths and margins from current paper type
* does a mixture of SetTab commands
* then PrintTab commands
* draw lines on page using Moveto and LineTo,
* Some control over when to do a new page
*  set printer output to preview or a printername).
As long as there is a way to do similar things in code for whatever exists in XE6 I would be happy)
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