[DUG] Contact form page

John C jc at sunshinesoftware.co.nz
Wed Mar 19 20:10:46 NZDT 2014

Hi all


I have this website with a contact page (in PHP & html) where any person can
submit a request with their contact details which is emails to me after
clicking a submit button.

All works fine, however. So now and then I receive an email from this
website/page but details don't seem being filled in at "page level" but in
another way. This as the page does a submit validation check and the
submitted phone number is e.g. " LbXwjLfDDTFkIuBkPP " something my validator
doesn't allow for. 


Also other details are like:

Name: Bjmpynut

Organisation: ahTKXyxtYnCdo

Position: Bjmpynut

Phone: LbXwjLfDDTFkIuBkPP

Email: gipnpmhk at uohrokgr.com


All looks very suspicious. Any clues how this could happen at all and how to
prevent this?


The webpage in question is at http://www.relacs.co.nz/ContactUs.php


The email creator resides in the post process of the page like:



                                $Name = $_POST['InputName'];

                                $Email =  $_POST['InputEmail'];

                                $Phone =$_POST['InputPhone'];

                                $Company = $_POST['InputCompany'];

                                $Position = $_POST['InputPosition'];

                                $Subject  = $_POST['Subject'];

                                $Comment = $_POST['InputComment'];


                                $body = "Name: $Name\n\n";

                                $body.= "Company: $Company\n\n";

                                $body.= "Position: $Position\n\n";

                                $body.= "Phone: $Phone\n\n";

                                $body.= "Email: $Email\n\n";

                                $body.= "Subject: $Subject\n\n";

                                $body.= "Comment: $Comment";


                                $Receiver               =
"info at relacs.co.nz" ;

                                $send = mail($Receiver, "Feedback website -
RELACS", $body, "From: $Email");

                                $Msg = "Thank you $Name for your feedback.
We will get back to you ASAP";




Thanks for any help and/or suggestions.


John Ch

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