[DUG] Xero private API (OAuth)

Jolyon Smith jsmith at deltics.co.nz
Fri Jul 11 14:06:18 NZST 2014

Simply changing all relevant declarations explicitly to ANSIChar /
ANSIString in the Flow code should have addressed any Unicode issues
(similarly knocking up a p.o.c in pre-Unicode version of Delphi would have
determined if this were the issue).

I would not rule out the possibility that Xero have changed something on
their end which has broken the Flow code - it has happened in the past and
as ever with OAuth you get no clues to go on as to what might be the
problem.  It doesn't help that unless things have changed since I was
wrestling with it, the Xero documentation is not exactly a shining example
of the art  (and from a quick look, it doesn't appear to have changed at
all since then).

If that is the case then using their provided wrappers is likely the most
reliable approach, if a little "clunky".  :)

On 11 July 2014 12:06, Robert Martin <rob at chreos.co.nz> wrote:

>  Hi Alister
> I have my OAuth stuff working!!!!!
> After literally days of trying to get OAuth going in Delphi I gave up.
> Instead I used the Xero provided framework for PHP and built a PHP
> interface between my Delphi app and it.  So instead of doing;
> Delphi app -> Build XML & command -> OAuth sign -> Http to Xero ->
> Response -> Delphi app
> I now have
> Delphi app -> Build XML & command ->  My custom PHP script -> PHP OAuth
> sign using Xero framework -> Http to Xero -> Response -> My Custom PHP
> script -> Delphi app.
> Works like a charm.  obviously I have had to provide my own security
> between the Delphi app and my custom framework but that wasn't too
> difficult.  I strogly suspect the issues I was having were related to
> Unicode Delphi and the non unicode code that I got from Cameron.  It was
> just too hard to debug as I couldn't see what my output should be vs what
> it was.
> Cheers
> Rob
> On 11/07/2014 11:49 a.m., Alister Christie wrote:
> With regards to OAuth you could try using TMS Cloud Pack
> <http://www.tmssoftware.com/site/cloudpack.asp>.  I've used it for
> connecting to TradeMe, although still required a bit of work.​
>  Alister.
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