[DUG] TTaskDialog with progress bar

Robert Martin rob at chreos.co.nz
Fri Jul 11 09:44:53 NZST 2014


I have been trying to build a TTaskDialog that shows the progress of an 
Http download.  I want to have it so the user can click the extra 
details button and see file size, downloaded amount and download speed.

All of the above works, however for some reason changing the 
.ExpandedText (to update the display) in the OnTimer seems to auto 
expand the detail (the user doesn't have to clcik for more detail) and 
the contract button disappears.  If I don't update the .ExpandedText 
everything works ok.

I tried the code below

//test code
procedure TForm2.TaskDialog1Timer(Sender: TObject; TickCount: Cardinal;
   var Reset: Boolean);
     if (TaskDialog1.Expanded = True) then begin
         TaskDialog1.ExpandedText := TaskDialog1.ExpandedText + 'a';

     TaskDialog1.ProgressBar.Position := 
TaskDialog1.ProgressBar.Position + 1;

However the TaskDialog1.Expanded never seems to get set to true, no 
matter how many times I expand or hide the detail.

Any ideas where to go? The Delphi help on this stuff is terrible and 
there doesn't seem to be much on the web with respect to progressbars 
and callbacks.

p.s. I also have the TMS version of this component which seems to 
perform identically, it has the same fault but doesn't even seem to have 
the .Expanded property.


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