[DUG] Delphi and Screen DPI

John Bird johnkbird at paradise.net.nz
Wed Jan 8 14:18:01 NZDT 2014

Almost all modern screens come by default with Windows set for larger text size – this is the option under screen resolution/”Make text and other items larger or smaller”, which sets the screen DPI to small (100%=96DPI) or 125% or 150%..   125% is set commonly on screens with HD resolution (1600x900 or 1920x1080).
I am looking at the issues involved in getting my software to display properly when the screen DPI is not 96DPI  as some forms look quite wrong on the newer DPIs.   The main problem areas seem to be label text sizes not fitting properly on a form (being too large), and grid DefaultRowHeight not being set correctly, particularly if the form is scaled to fit the screen, or if using custom draw cell (DefaultDraw is false) which means the text is too large for the cell.
Anyone have any previous experience and tips with these issues?  (VCL, have to solve for both D2007 and XE5).
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