[DUG] mySql - TimeStamp interruption

russell russell at belding.co.nz
Tue Feb 4 12:42:10 NZDT 2014

You could index the table written to with a userID, some ContextID (from
what activity was this row written?)  and a TimeStamp.

You could take the TimeStamp from the DB server, not from each running
client PC. Your should to ensure a common time source.

1.       No.  A long loop will see the TimeStamp change.

2.       If the TimeStamp did change does it matter, with the new indices>




From: delphi-bounces at listserver.123.net.nz
[mailto:delphi-bounces at listserver.123.net.nz] On Behalf Of John C
Sent: Tuesday, 4 February 2014 12:27 p.m.
To: NZ Borland Developers Group - Delphi List
Subject: [DUG] mySql - TimeStamp interruption


Hi all.


I'm writing to a dbase using mySql allowing multi-user. This table has
multiple fields including one of type TimeStamp.

What would actually happen writing multiple records using a for-loop:

1.    Would the TimeStamp data always be the same for all records?

2.    What would happen in a multi-user access situation, could this
multiple records write session (for-loop) possibly being interrupted causing
my TimeStamp data being changed halfway this writing session?


Thanks for any help

John Ch

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