[DUG] Conversion training

Colin Johnsun colin.adug at gmail.com
Tue Nov 19 15:46:53 NZDT 2013

If you have to move to .Net, why not do it properly and move to C#???

You really can't seriously talk about "future" development and VB.Net in
the same sentence without someone choking on their lunch.


On 19 November 2013 10:44, <stephen at bertram.co.nz> wrote:

> Hi All
> I've been asked by a colleague for a recommendation for a training
> organisation (or trainer) to lead a team on the conversion from Delphi to
> .Net in the Auckland area.  While the team is screaming at the change,
> the organisation has decreed that future development will be in (groan)
> VB.Net
> Most of the organisations advertising .Net training are offering courses
> for beginning developers while what is needed is cross training for
> experienced Delphi guys.
> Anyone have any recommendations (other than find another job)?
> Stephen
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