[DUG] Changing Font in a multi line list box (Firemonkey)

jason at software-solutions.co.nz jason at software-solutions.co.nz
Fri Feb 15 10:50:30 NZDT 2013

You will have to create a new listbox style, that has two TText objects in it, one aligned to top and one client, then assign this to the StyleLookup of the listitems as you add them. Also create an event handler to the OnApplyStyleLookup event of each item and in this event find the resources (Text objects) and assign the  values.

I myself subclass the TListBoxItem object, create my own text objects in the create event, and provide properties for the Name and Address, much cleaner, then use this new subclass when creating the listviewitem objects.


From: delphi-bounces at listserver.123.net.nz [mailto:delphi-bounces at listserver.123.net.nz] On Behalf Of Vik Vasudev
Sent: Friday, 15 February 2013 10:31 a.m.
To: NZ Borland Developers Group - Delphi List; NZ Borland Developers Group - Delphi List
Subject: [DUG] Changing Font in a multi line list box (Firemonkey)

Hello Everyone

Is there anyway i can have multiple font for multiline text on a listbox items.

For instance

I have text   FirsName Last Name

I want Address to have different font.

Dummy Code

  TClientDetail   = Record
     FCln_Ref        : Int64;
     FCln_FirstName  : string;
     FCln_LastName   : string;
     FFullName       : string;
     FCoName         : String;
     FAddress        : string;

  TClientList   = class (TListBoxItem)
       FCln_Detail   : TClientDetail;

  lClnobj                            :=  TClientList.Create (Listbox)
  lClnobj.FCln_Detail.FFullName         := lClnobj.FCln_Detail.FCln_FirstName
                                                +' '+ lClnobj.FCln_Detail.FCln_LastName;

  lClnobj.FCln_Detail.FAddress          :=  FGlobalRWqry.FieldByName
  lClnobj.Text                                :=  lName + #13#10 +
                                                    #13#10 +
   lClnobj.Height := 40
   listbox.AddObject (lClnobj);

I am using #13#10 to make it look like Multiline but i am not sure how to i change the font of text in multiline

Appreciate your help

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