[DUG] TListitems disappearing and reappearing causing access violations

Ross Levis ross at stationplaylist.com
Tue Apr 9 22:21:23 NZST 2013

Wondering if anyone has any ideas.


I've had this problem a long time from when I started writing an app about 7
or 8 years ago, but it happens so rarely it's not usually an issue. But one
user in particularly is regularly sending me MadExcept reports which either
have access violation errors or "the application appears to be frozen". In
all cases it's during an access of a TListItem which was perfectly valid 10
lines of code up a procedure but suddenly doesn't exist.


The screenshot created at the same time shows the ListView has no visible
items, but I know for a fact there are 30 or more items in the list. I
believe sometimes the items visually disappear and reappear shortly
afterwards, like a Desktop refresh.


I think I've heard something about Windows recreating the window handles or
some such thing. I don't understand why it would do so. There are no changes
to the listview that would require re-creating the window.


Any ideas?


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