[DUG] Add File to Project using {% } format ( not {$ ...} ) - useful.../usage?
Paul A Norman
paul.a.norman at gmail.com
Sun Sep 23 19:09:32 NZST 2012
Hi everybody!
Recently had to crank up D2005 and noticed in the IDE under the *P*roject
Menu Item, *A*dd to Project,
that I could add images and other stuff which fascinated me as I had always
used .rc(s) and loaded streams etc.
(In fact the dialogue box presents an impressive list of different kinds
of files that may be added to the project, including .dll and crystal
reports, and other picture image types etc...)
So If you add a Jpeg say to the .dpr (.bdsproj in 2005), you get an entry
under any {$R type entries like so...
{$R 'htmlList.res' 'htmlList.rc'}
{%Jpg 'images\MyPicture.jpg'}
Which is self explanatory for the original file location.
Now I have had a good look around but I can not find any documentation on
this "{%" type stuff and having a % in it seems to make
web-searching harder.
Went though the Delphi 2005 help materials but no joy there.
Is my Jpeg now embedded as some kind of resource in the .exe? And if so how
would I access it?
Any help appreciated please.
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