[DUG] Virus scanning causing GetFileVersion to go slow

Rohit Gupta r.gupta at xtra.co.nz
Tue Oct 2 07:02:36 NZDT 2012

A little late but we do what you ended up doing.... except that the 
timestamp is rigorously managed, so we dont have to check the version 

Secondly, we disable the virus scanner from checking some folders on the 


On 24/09/2012 6:53 p.m., Robo wrote:
> Our program on start up checks for updates on a network drive by
> comparing file version numbers against the local file.
> The method runs quick on local files, but slow on the network file,
> especially for files larger than 10MB. We found that disabling virus
> scanning (Microsoft Forefront in this case) means the check is done in
> less than 1sec instead of 10sec.
> Anyone know a way to check the version number of a network file
> without triggering the virus scanner? This is particularly problematic
> because this runs every time the program starts, so start up time is
> increasing by heaps.

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