[DUG] 3rd Rail

Alister Christie alister at salespartner.co.nz
Tue Mar 20 11:42:54 NZDT 2012

You are probably much better off with NetBeans or TextMate (the 
preferred editor on the Mac).  I don't think 3rd Rail is being maintained.

Alister Christie
Computers for People
Ph: 04 471 1849 Fax: 04 471 1266
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PO Box 13085

On 20/03/2012 11:28 a.m., Steve Peacocke wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I'm working on several projects at the moment and one I want to use Ruby on Rails for.
> I'd like opinions on using 3rd Rail for developing with. Anyone with experience in this? Is it up to date with the latest RoR?
> Recommendations?
> Steve Peacocke
> 0220 612-611
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