[DUG] RTL problem

Todd Martin todd.martin.nz at gmail.com
Tue Jun 12 09:19:08 NZST 2012

Uncheck "build with runtime packages" in the compiler options dialog.
Then just add the path for all DCUs to your library path, so the
compiled exe will contain everything you need.


On 6/11/12, Marshland Engineering <marshland at marshland.co.nz> wrote:
> I found I had a 2 RTL60's on my source machine so I copied the correct one
> to the remote pc and it got a bit further.  Now I get an exe error and need
> to "report to Microsoft".  Probably something to do with the SQL and SSH.
> I'll look into that shortly.
> The question is, can I compile my exe including all the libraries needed or
> do I have to distribute some of them with the app?  If so how do I know
> which ones to distribute ?
> Thanks Wallace.
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