[DUG] Can dbExpress's TSQLQuery use ? as parameters?

Todd Martin todd.martin.nz at gmail.com
Tue Feb 14 18:08:51 NZDT 2012

Are you currently setting the parameter values by index then?

Using regular expressions, search


and replace  with

'$1 = :$1

so that

StringField =?,


StringField = :StringField,

It should take no time at all.


> We've porting code to Delphi XE2, and need to change our data access
> components from third party ODBCExpress which is no longer in
> business, to dbExpress's TSQLQuery.
> We have parametrized SQL query such as:
>     sSQL :=
>       'UPDATE ZTestData SET '+
>       ' StringField =?, '+
>       ' IntField = ?, '+
>       ' DecimalField = ?, '+
>       ' BooleanField = ?, '+
>       ' DateTimeField = ?, '+
>       ' TextField = ? '+
>       ' WHERE UniqueID = 3';
> if we use the following code:
> var
>   qry:TSQLQuery;
> begin
>   qry.Close;
>   qry.SQL.Text := sSQL;
>   ShowMessage(IntToStr(qry.Params.Count));
> end;
> It returns 0, so we're unable to get the bindings working, but if we
> change sSQL to:
>     sSQL :=
>       'UPDATE ZTestData SET '+
>       ' StringField =:Param1, '+
>       ' IntField = :Param2, '+
>       ' DecimalField = ?, '+
>       ' BooleanField = ?, '+
>       ' DateTimeField = ?, '+
>       ' TextField = ? '+
>       ' WHERE UniqueID = 3';
> It returns 2.
> It's going to be a big hassle to change all the SQL queries to the new
> parameter syntax. Is there anyway for the TSQLQuery to recognize the ?
> syntax?
> I see that DBXCommon.TDBXCommand uses the ? syntax:
> http://www.andreanolanusse.com/en/parameterized-queries-with-dbexpress-dbx-framework/
> But it would mean throwing away our code that uses TSQLQuery. What's
> the quickest/easiest way to resolve this? What's the difference
> between TSQLQuery and TDBXCommand anyway, in terms of what's relevant
> to me?
> Robo
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