[DUG] Shell Execute

Bob Pawley rjpawley at shaw.ca
Mon Feb 13 06:53:31 NZDT 2012


I’m having a further problem with shell execute. There seems to be a dearth of information on the web other than a simple “open” procedure.

The following two part code performs well when I copy and paste it into command prompt.

However when I use it in shell execute there is a problem getting both parts to run together.

In shell execute each part of the code does its thing when the other part is commented out.

I have tried joining the two parts with the ogr2ogr command &&, and as it appears below. I have also removed the second path to ogr2ogr with no joy.

I either get “unable to run” or the second part of the code is recognized with the first part being ignored.

The following is my command prompt code – which works as shown

set PGCLIENTENCODING=LATIN1&&set DXF_ENCODING=LATIN1&&set DXF_INLINE_BLOCKS=FALSE&&set DXF_MERGE_BLOCK_GEOMETRIES=FALSE&&ogr2ogr -f "PostgreSQL" PG:"host=localhost user=postgres dbname=*** password=*****" Water2000.dxf   -lco DIM=2 -nlt GEOMETRY -sql "select layer, linetype, subclasses, ogr_style, blockname, blockangle, blockscale, text from entities" -append -update -skipfailures 

set PGCLIENTENCODING=LATIN1&&set DXF_ENCODING=LATIN1&&set DXF_INLINE_BLOCKS=FALSE&&set DXF_MERGE_BLOCK_GEOMETRIES=FALSE&&ogr2ogr -f "PostgreSQL" PG:"host=localhost user=postgres dbname=*** password=****" Water2000.dxf   -lco DIM=2 -nlt GEOMETRY -append -update -skipfailures -sql "select layer, linetype, subclasses, ogr_style, blockname, text from blocks" 

Here is the shell execute code which is giving me a challenge -

ProgramName :=
     '"'+s+'\Quantum GIS Wroclaw\bin'+
'ogr2ogr" "-f" '+
' PG:"host='+DBHost+' user=postgres dbname='+DBName+' password='+Pass+'" "'+ DXFfile +'" '+
' -lco DIM=2 -nlt GEOMETRY -overwrite -skipfailures'+
' -sql "select layer, linetype, subclasses, ogr_style, blockname, blockangle, blockscale, text from entities"'+
    '"'+s+'\Quantum GIS Wroclaw\bin'+
' "PostgreSQL";'+
'PG:"host='+DBHost+' user=postgres dbname='+DBName+' password='+Pass+'" "'+ DXFfile +'" '+
' -lco DIM=2 -nlt GEOMETRY -overwrite -skipfailures'+
' -sql "select layer, linetype, subclasses, ogr_style, blockname, text from blocks"';

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

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