[DUG] Developers Inc Ltd and Embarcadero

Richard Vowles richard at developers-inc.co.nz
Thu Aug 16 17:05:39 NZST 2012

I feel like a bit of a fool now - it turns out that we have disconnected
that number :-)

The number to call is 021 1158798 - again, speak to Danielle.


On 16 August 2012 13:07, Richard Vowles <richard at developers-inc.co.nz>wrote:

> Hi all,
> At the end of this month (August), Developers Inc Ltd will no longer be
> selling Embarcadero products. Your local office will be Sydney, and all
> support and events will be done via that office. We've been transitioning
> to this over the last six months, as you may have noticed.
> As has been indicated here, with the upcoming world tour it doesn't make
> sense to purchase an upgrade or new product right now, unless you are
> taking out software assurance.
> As part of this email we are offering a *20% discount off upgrades and
> new licenses of RAD Studio, Delphi or C++ Builder with software assuranceonly until the end of the month
> * (no later).
> If you'd like to take advantage of the offer, please ring the office on
> 0508DEVINC and speak with Danielle. You may need to leave a message, but
> she will call you back.
> Richard
> --
> ---
> Richard Vowles, Technical Advisor
> Developers Inc Ltd
> web. http://www.developers-inc.co.nz
> mob. +64-275-467747
> twitter. developersinc

Richard Vowles, Technical Advisor
Developers Inc Ltd
web. http://www.developers-inc.co.nz
mob. +64-275-467747
twitter. developersinc
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