[DUG] Shameless commercial plug

Alister Christie alister at salespartner.co.nz
Wed Apr 25 11:31:27 NZST 2012

Just to let everyone know that part 2 in my series of building 
applications in Delphi using the VCL has just been released.  You can of 
course buy it from http://learndelphi.tv.  I did a mail out yesterday to 
everyone who had purchased part 1, and quite a few people purchased part 
2 - which gives me the warm fuzzies (my life has meaning after all...)

I do notice however that I haven't had anyone from NZ buy a copy.....

Alister Christie
Computers for People
Ph: 04 471 1849 Fax: 04 471 1266
Follow us on Twitter http://twitter.com/salespartner
PO Box 13085

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