[DUG] Delphi Update

Jolyon Smith jsmith at deltics.co.nz
Mon Nov 21 09:08:15 NZDT 2011

imho the value of physical media is a little limited given that the content
is quickly superceded or at least significantly supplemented by required
downloads for updates.

With XE2 quite apart from the commitment to monthly updates, physical media
is especially useless if it does not include update #1 which necessitates
the complete removal (uninstallation) of the original "gold" install and
full re-install of the update #1 release.

Just download and burn your own DVD or - as I have done - put all Delphi
installers on a USB HDD/memory stick to have a Delphi "installation vault"
you can carry in your pocket (on which all updates can also be put as/when
they become available).

Just saying.  :)

Buying in the US doesn't make any difference to pricing either, if that is
what you were thinking.  The "NZ" online store is in fact the "US Dollar
International Store" and pricing is the same on there as on the US store
itself (Delphi XE2 Pro: US$900/US$500 for new user/upgrade).

On 19 November 2011 12:07, Todd Martin <todd.martin.nz at gmail.com> wrote:

> It looks like you're in luck! I notice the NZ and AUS sites only offer
> digital copies, whereas the US site doesn't specify. So I'm wondering
> whether to get a friend to bring one back. Cue the theme song from the
> "adidas" saga.
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