[DUG] Internet Webhost/eMail Host

Gary T. Benner gary at benner.co.nz
Fri Nov 11 17:28:51 NZDT 2011


HI Charlie,

Gary the Delphi List Admin here ...

123 Internet Ltd provides these services, and has been doing so since 1994, the same time we started hosting the Delphi User Group. Steve Barker and I, the owners, are both Delphi Developers, and provide services on both Linux and Microsoft platforms.

What we provide depends on what you are wanting to achieve, and this can range from a shared server, Virtual Machine, or a Dedicated Server option.

For email, if you want a straight POP3 service we can do this on our main Mail Servers, however if you want IMAP, and store your email on the server then we can provide either QMail or Axigen ( both licence free, although Axigen has a paid for version that has more collaborative features ).

Our servers ( all 23 of them ) are housed at the Maxnet Data Centre in Albany .

Let me know more details and I can give you specifics.


Gary Benner

At 10:18 on 11/11/2011 you wrote 
>If you needed a host for your website and email would you choose one >that has windows and linux servers; just linux; just windows or ?? Any >recommendations?
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