[DUG] DAC Dump Component - MySQL backup

Graham Marsden graham at wk.planet.gen.nz
Mon May 2 15:37:44 NZST 2011

Hi Bob

I could not find an example of the use of the DAC Dump component either.
It looks fairly straightforward though: Define a connection, double click the component (design time) and enter the 
table names (if nothing entered then all tables are dumped), then use the  <componentname> .Backup method to 
set it off. Setting of the tables to be backed up programatically could be done as well.

The DAC Backup Component is very similar in setup and execution with the added benefit of the backup being all 
server side with no network traffic overhead and therefore a faster execution.

There is an addional option for the backup of a database ... use the scheduled backup available in the MySQL 
Administrator which is downloadable from the MySQL website (you probably have it already.)

Hope this helps

Graham Marsden

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