[DUG] Access to street maps

Steve Peacocke steve at peacocke.net
Mon Mar 14 07:28:29 NZDT 2011

Hi Mark,

You will need to change the address to the XY coordinates in order to
display the map. Yes, all is possible using JavaScript and the Google Maps




Steve Peacocke
Mobile: 0220 612-611
Linkedin Professional

On Mon, Mar 14, 2011 at 7:22 AM, mark <wcsl at kol.co.nz> wrote:

>   I have a D2009 application which holds the addresses of employees and
> the customers they service.
> Is there a way that I can display a map with a selected address?
> Ideally, I would also like to be able to get the distance between two
> addresses.
> I assume that this information is available from Google or Wises, but have
> no idea how to go about accessing it. I’m guessing it will be a Web Service,
> with which I have limited experience (I have an interface to one).
> Any pointers in the right direction would be appreciated.
> Mark
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