[DUG] FW: Web development

Gary T. Benner gary at benner.co.nz
Tue Jun 7 12:29:37 NZST 2011


HI all,

At 10:47 on 7/06/2011 Colin wrote 
>Forget IE7, I believe 1 in 10 people surfing the net still use IE 6 (though I think a lot of them are in China)...
>For our company, 6% of users hitting our site use IE 6... can't ignore even 6%!

In New Zealand many large organisations at stuck at IE6 because they implemented intranet software that simply does not work in IE7 and above. This includes many Government organisations such as DHB's etc.

FYI there is a fix Google have come up with that allows your site to be rendered by Chrome, but inside IE6. it's called Google Frame:  



Ref#: 41006

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