[DUG] FW: Web development
Jolyon Smith
jsmith at deltics.co.nz
Tue Jun 7 09:00:16 NZST 2011
>> I think you're probably using tools like:
>> print "<p>hello</p>";
Well, ultimately anyone "writing" (emitting) HTML is using tools *exactly*
like that.
The question is, what tool do you use to create the code that ends up
emitting it, if you don't emit it directly yourself ?
The problem I (personally) have with HTML is that it has been co-opted into
a role for which it was never originally designed. It is a document markup
language that has been strong armed into a role as a UI presentation
It sucks in that capacity and the solution has always been to shimmy some
JavaScript in there on the clientside and pile frameworks and codegen on top
of it on the server side to try and present a development platform that
doesn't suck as much. The problem this creates of course is that whilst you
are then using the universal and platform independent HTML thereby avoiding
lock-in, you are instead locked into your chosen/adopted framework/codegen
(Flash/Silverlight/Java work slightly differently of course, presenting an
alternative that exists essentially *inside* the HTML without using HTML
itself - all of these suffer the same problem - platform restrictions. None
of them have the universality of HTML and also result in "lock-in").
> But on the specifics of checking your HTML: check the W3C validator
> service.
Again, this is "after the fact" debugging.
I don't have to submit my Pascal code to the P3C validator service to check
it's validity.
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