[DUG] Object is Object vs Object.Classname = 'Object'

Todd todd.martin.nz at gmail.com
Tue Jan 25 18:48:03 NZDT 2011

Hi Ross

I can think of only one instance where the second form would be 
unavoidable. That is where a unit containing a parent class refers to 
one of its subclasses. In other words, the class design is screwed, but 
the second form sidesteps the compiler error regarding circular referencing.

I have actually seen a situation where a 3rd party library was modified 
so that it referenced a class in the main/calling application. Insane!

If you're looking at something similar, I would suggest you switch to 
the first form and fix the crappy design.


> Just as a matter of curiosity really, anyone know if there is any 
> difference in speed for these 2 operations.
> if abc is TMyObject then
> and
> if abc.Classname = 'TMyObject' then
> ?
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