[DUG] Christchurch Members

John Bird johnkbird at paradise.net.nz
Sat Feb 26 12:46:15 NZDT 2011

Message bodyWe were at home, sitting at the dining room table talking to the EQC inspectors. When the quake hit four of us ran for the front door.
Terrifying violent rumble and shake!
We OK, House OK, everything inside trashed and on the floor. No power, no phone, no water, slept in car last night.
Lots of damage in Lyttelton, Sumner, Mt Pleasant.
Everything in cupboards is on the floors mainly smashed.
Piano jumped 3-4 feet across floor.
Aftershocks - Deep rumbling or shaking every minute or so, extremely unnerving as it is a very solid, very fast strong rumble, reverberates right though the rock hills that Mt Pleasant is built on - very uncanny when standing outside listening to it. I would say its exhilarating but most everyone I know disagrees vehemently.

Other – Saga’s laptop fell from the table onto the floor, and seems to have survived, however the network port seems to be broken as the ethernet cord dragged it off the table so it might need to be replaced....

Nothing was left in the fridge or freezer either, and toaster was hanging by its cord....
We have redecorated the kitchen!

John Bird
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