[DUG] Delphi for PHP - redirect

Rohit Gupta r.gupta at xtra.co.nz
Sun Feb 6 18:43:59 NZDT 2011

Okay, sorted that out

Btnstyle was Submit and I had accidentally typed in "Z" in form.actions.

New problem.  No matter what I do, it will not execute the onclick code 
in which I am changing the caption of a label.  When I try the sample it 
works, but my form will not.  I have checked all the properties this 
time.  Any clues anyone ?

On 6/02/2011 5:05 p.m., Rohit Gupta wrote:
> I was having a bash at it and am really stuck at the redirect.  No
> matter what variation I try (including the header command),  it always says
> The requested URL /Z was not found on this server.
> The code snippet is.
>          function btnLogInClick($sender, $params)
>          {
>          redirect('unit1.php?id=');
>          exit();
>          }
> Rohit

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