[DUG] Serial Delphi

Marshland Engineering marshland at marshland.co.nz
Mon Aug 15 13:01:06 NZST 2011

I guess it is better to start at the beginning. 

I have been using SerialNG (free) for many years sending and receiving data to CNC machines. 

Now I'm doing something different and things just don't work the same. 

I'm sending 3 bytes of data from a micro. If I send data every 500 ms, I get a 3 byte string which I decode.   SerialPortNG.NextClusterSize is triggered whenever data is received. If data is received every 500 ms I get valid data. If I speed up the micro to every 100 ms, it all changes. I start to get 2 or 3 blocks of data coming though at one time. 

Bing - Light just went on. My array for receiving the data is only 4 long. The data is now is a lot longer.  Access Violation _"array exceeded" would have been helpful.

for i:=1 to length(sRaw) do
     try iData[i]:= byte(sRaw[i])

Never the less - Is this a Delphi, Windows or serial comms issue. Why at 500 ms do I get 3 bytes and 100ms get 4+ bytes ? Is the delay between the USART receiving data, setting a flag, signalling Delphi to execute a read longer than 100ms ?

Anyone with any help please reply or call 03 3237449

Cheers Wallace
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