[DUG] integer or int64

Alister Christie alister at salespartner.co.nz
Wed Sep 22 16:13:06 NZST 2010

  I had a friend who wrote a bignums unit for turbo pascal (5.5 I 
believe) when we were at school which could handle really really big 
numbers.  His poor old XT took awhile to calculate some of these crazy 
numbers.  There will likely be various libraries that you can use.

Alister Christie
Computers for People
Ph: 04 471 1849 Fax: 04 471 1266
PO Box 13085

On 21/09/2010 1:28 p.m., John Bird wrote:
> I have a calculator program, beyond certain size numbers it resorts to real
> numbers, when sometimes I want exact integers.
> eg 17! (17Factorial)  is the highest I can get exactly (17*16*15  etc.), 18!
> turns to a real number and I don't know if I am losing digits.
> Another example of large numbers is time converted to milliseconds:
>      Thisint64:=strtoint(formatDateTime('yyyymmddhhnnsszzz',now));    (I
> don't do arithmetic on that but it is 17 digits)
> My main guess about int128 is that if it were there it could give real
> numbers to a higher number of precision digits (only 15-16 with current
> real).
> would be cool to store numbers like
> pi=3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944 if my
> memory serves me correctly.  Delphi cannot provide such accuracy.
> Reason I asked is I heard that after Windows 7 one of the supposed versions
> of Windows being considered was a 128 bit version.  Also 64bit Delphi on the
> horizon suggests that larger integers might be coming.
> John
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