[DUG] integer or int64

John Bird johnkbird at paradise.net.nz
Tue Sep 21 13:28:46 NZST 2010

I have a calculator program, beyond certain size numbers it resorts to real 
numbers, when sometimes I want exact integers.

eg 17! (17Factorial)  is the highest I can get exactly (17*16*15  etc.), 18! 
turns to a real number and I don't know if I am losing digits.

Another example of large numbers is time converted to milliseconds:

    Thisint64:=strtoint(formatDateTime('yyyymmddhhnnsszzz',now));    (I 
don't do arithmetic on that but it is 17 digits)

My main guess about int128 is that if it were there it could give real 
numbers to a higher number of precision digits (only 15-16 with current 

would be cool to store numbers like 
pi=3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944 if my 
memory serves me correctly.  Delphi cannot provide such accuracy.

Reason I asked is I heard that after Windows 7 one of the supposed versions 
of Windows being considered was a 128 bit version.  Also 64bit Delphi on the 
horizon suggests that larger integers might be coming.


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