[DUG] Barcamp possibly?

John Bird johnkbird at paradise.net.nz
Thu Oct 28 10:01:46 NZDT 2010

?I don't think it would be hard to find topics -

For instance off the top of my head:

-it would be interesting to see the sort of programs others are doing
-Their favourite tips and tricks
-some IDE/OO/language education and explanations
-debugging techniques
-tools that others use and how they set up the IDE
-CVS tools
-how people structure putting the not so obvious files used in projects, 
such as documentation and image files...

eg Here is a bet! - I would bet good money (*) no one here knows and uses 
all the tricks in this video which is only about 2 minutes long:


This was for D2006.  If you are still on D7 watch it to see more reasons you 
just might want to upgrade...


(* contact me if you use all these.  I will give you your 2 cents worth)

Re Barcamps

Great idea - I'd be a starter and would offer our college as
a possible venjue, we have multiple computer rooms for

Laurie Bisman..

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