[DUG] Delphi Specials

Ian Gmail idrower at gmail.com
Fri Oct 22 12:38:50 NZDT 2010

I've watched the ongoing discussions re upgrading and costs ..

I still use Delphi 5, and it supports the two products I have out there 
reasonably well.

I say reasonably well, in that I'd love to move on to using SQL 
databases instead of Paradox, and to use the later features that improve 
my productivity in the conversion. To connect to remote databases means 
a significant cost, in not only upgrading, but also moving from 
professional to a more expensive product.

I have owned D2007 now for some 2 years, and struggle with the 
investment of time, on my own, to convert the 3rd party tools and report 
writer, in that it won't be paid for directly, neither the time or the 
cost of the new product. So. I'm not using it yet.

I came to the D Ex day, am impressed with what's being released, and now 
I have unicode as well to attend to.
I can see the future lies with more web integration with products.

 From my 'observation', there's two issues here at stake .. one being 
the cost of upgrading (purchasing)...the other is the investment in 

Embarcadero can look at the $$$ side, and the community here online 
could help with the second.

Is there anyone interested in running half day, or one day courses, and 
being paid something, to help with the conversion process. This would 
not only include conversion, but demonstration of the new productivity 
features in the later versions.

This would make the move a little less onerous, and could move this 
community from criticism to co-operation ..

Just a suggestion..

Ian Drower

Obviously music helps, I try to make some music, djembe drums, and I 
makes marimbas, African style.. also run courses for others..

Both are percussive, the louder the better..

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