[DUG] Toolsets (was Re: Company closing)

Colin Johnsun colin.adug at gmail.com
Tue Nov 30 17:34:26 NZDT 2010

On 30 November 2010 09:56, Jolyon Smith <jsmith at deltics.co.nz> wrote:

> What we need is a Delphi for Cocoa.
> What we *don't* need is a Delphi (or a VCL) for a Lowest Common Denominator
> that fits Windows and Mac and Linux and phones and toasters and key-fobs.
Totally agree with Jolyon.

Initially, I was really looking forward to Delphi for Mac. But the more I
think about it, solutions that are not based on the native GUI frameworks
for each platform will most likely result in sub-par applications. If I want
to design a cross-platform app for both Windows and Mac, then my design
decision would be to refactor out all of the non-gui logic into their own
units and then build separate user interfaces using the native UI components
for each platform.

As Jolyon stated, what makes sense/looks good in a Mac application does not
necessarily make it appropriate for a Windows application and vice versa. If
you want to do a proper job, you will most likely create seperate UI's for
each platform. If that, being the case, it makes no sense to aim for that
lowest common denominator because in the end you will please neither of your
Windows or Mac users.

I think Embarcadero's plan to use a common 'VCL" will initially satisfy the
uninitiated who wants to go cross-platform "easily" and "quickly" but will
be annoying if you want to create apps that are designed specifically for
the platform that they are to be hosted on. I see this as the same problem
with the attempt to get existing Delphi applications Unicode-ready. The
ideas was to make it "easy" for existing code to become Unicode but it made
it confusing for new apps going forward. I think this will be the same for
cross platform development for Delphi using this common VCL approach.

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