[DUG] MYOB Rounding Issue

Paul Heinz paul at accredo.co.nz
Fri Nov 12 09:50:33 NZDT 2010

Hi Cheng Wei 

> Does anyone know what rounding convension is MYOB using?
> We export Invoice Line Items to MYOB and we've been 
> experiencing rounding issues with GST calc, we've tried 
> different rounding methods but can never get all invoices to 
> match, a small number of invoices always come out 1 or 2 
> cents different in GST.

I don't specifically know the answer to your question but I have a
possible theory to throw out there.

I have written Delphi native TDatasets and tools which can directly read
MYOB company files so I know something of their somewhat 'baroque'
internal data model.

MYOB is firmly in the 'GL-in-disguise' style of accounting data model
and invoices are stored across two separate structures, one which stores
the product line details (in the inv and iline tables from memmory) and
one which stores the summarised GL journal details (in the ctran table).

I wonder if what might be happening is that all the product lines that
post to the same underlying GL sales accounts (which is stored per
product in the item table) are being summarised into one journal at the
ctran level and then GST calculated and rounded for that group to
produce a GST journal.

If you have a MYOB company file with some sample invoices that show the
rounding differences, I can open it up in my MYOB database viewer and
look at the underlying data if you would like and I can export the
various records for you to help shed light on the underlying pattern.

  Paul Heinz
Paul Heinz | Accredo Business Software Ltd
34 Burleigh St | PO Box 99156 | Auckland, NZ
P: +64 9 373 5963 | F: +64 9 373 5961
M: 021 456 231 | www.accredo.co.nz 

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