[DUG] Windows 7 Delphi 2007

Jan Bakuwel jan.bakuwel at omiha.com
Fri May 28 11:49:55 NZST 2010

Hi John,

On 28/05/10 11:17, John Bird wrote:
> Bingo - that was it - it needs administrative access and icon change works 
> fine.   (The user I am logged in does already have administrator level - so 
> I hadn't thought of this yet), but I need to run the program as 
> administrator to have control over the task bar it looks.

Windows 7 has a more strict access control system (Microsoft changed it
quite a bit since Vista) - even if the user has administrative rights,
any programs started by that user do not get administrative rights
unless explicitly granted (via a dialogue). I welcome this change ...
but it seems they might have taken it too far?

> Now - why did it used to work OK on Vista???  Any ideas? - will have to 
> scratch my head on that.

This is the wrong place to ask why :-P

Try scratching Bill's head instead of your own :-)


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