[DUG] Reading binary data as date/time from registry

Sean Cross Sean.Cross at catalystrisk.co.nz
Fri May 14 13:43:40 NZST 2010

Friday Trivia.  A start date of 30/12/1899 means 0 in some programs (e.g. Visual Basic).  Other programs use 0 = 31/12/1899 (or more accurately they use 1= 1/1/1900).  The discrepancy is because someone early on thought that 1900 was a leap year.  See http://www.joelonsoftware.com/items/2006/06/16.html

Sean Cross
Catalyst Risk Management
PO Box 230
Napier 4140
DDI: 06-8340362
Mobile: 021270 3466
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