[DUG] DateTimePicker

David O'Brien Dave at iccs.co.nz
Tue Jun 29 20:35:10 NZST 2010

Just Trunc the DateTimePicker.Date...

-----Original Message-----
From: delphi-bounces at delphi.org.nz [mailto:delphi-bounces at delphi.org.nz]
On Behalf Of John Bird
Sent: Tuesday, 29 June 2010 1:42 p.m.
To: NZ Borland Developers Group - Delphi List
Subject: [DUG] DateTimePicker

When a TDateTime is set from a DateTimePicker that is being used for
selections what is set for the time component?  Or is it random?   I am 
wondering because two different pickers seem to return unrelated times
it looks like  I have to do some testing and correcting.

And for testing - I think that a test such as

if DatePicker1.date = date then......

might not be a reliable test (if both are effectively floating point)

This is D5 in case later versions have smarter testing....


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