[DUG] IntToBin

Neven MacEwan neven at mwk.co.nz
Tue Jun 22 22:08:34 NZST 2010


Rather than being IntToBin it converts the n digit least significant 
bits to a string representation of 'binary'
so IntToBin(1,4) would return '0001' IntToBin(3,4) returns '0011'  
IntToBin(15,5) = '01111'

Cant really see the use of it and the code isn't that flash

> Hi Chaps
> I found this on the web and it works but I don't understand how ?
> Can anyone explain it ?
> function IntToBin ( value:Integer; digits: integer ): string;
> begin
>     result := StringOfChar ( '0', digits ) ;
>     while value > 0 do begin
>       if ( value and 1 ) = 1 then
>         result [ digits ] := '1';
>       dec ( digits ) ;
>       value := value shr 1;
>     end;
> end;
> Thanks Wallace
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