[DUG] LPT Porgramming

Jeremy Coulter jscoulter at gmail.com
Mon Jun 7 09:58:02 NZST 2010

There are a number of controls out there that will work under XP. I THINK
the one I used to use was call TVicPort or maybe just VicPort and it had a
Delphi interface. There was another one too who's name I cant think of, but
if you have done so already, have a look on www.torry.net.

For XP they wrote a device driver I seem to recall because as you have
pointed out, the direct hardware connection was removed in XP.




From: delphi-bounces at delphi.org.nz [mailto:delphi-bounces at delphi.org.nz] On
Behalf Of Marshland Engineering
Sent: Saturday, 5 June 2010 12:44
To: delphi at delphi.org.nz
Subject: [DUG] LPT Porgramming


I have quite a number of cordless tools and two way radios. I want to use
the parallel port to control my hardware to make a battery reconditioner.
NiCd and NiMh. 


I'm looking for an easy programming solution. 


Should I stick to Windows98 and have direct access to LPT1:

or XP and add in the required patches?


I'm using Delphi 4


Cheers Wallace.




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