[DUG] Windows 7

Colin Johnsun colin.adug at gmail.com
Sat Jul 3 10:54:51 NZST 2010

Hey Bob,

I could probably be totally off-track, but why don't you check the
order of the creation of forms. Go to Projects | Options... | Forms
and place the datamodule as the first item (or at least before the
form) in the auto-create form list. It may make a difference.


On 3 July 2010 08:39, Bob Pawley <rjpawley at shaw.ca> wrote:
> Hi John
> I set up the data aware components and datasets in a trial project and
> everything worked fine.
> I then created a second datamodule (DM2) within the original project and
> copied the dataset and table to it, then connected the data aware components
> from the main form..
> This worked well. So I am now pretty certain it has something to do with the
> datamodule form itself (DM1).
> You suggested settings not being loaded at the correct time. I would
> appreciate some idea of how to check this out.
> I could just rebuild the project on DM2, however that's no guarantee that it
> won't happen again.
> The ini file itself seems ok - at least to me.
> Bob
> From: John Bird
> Sent: Thursday, July 01, 2010 5:24 PM
> To: NZ Borland Developers Group - Delphi List
> Subject: Re: [DUG] Windows 7
> I have D2007 on Windows 7, as far as I know I haven't used a Data module on
> yet.   However I have used a data module in a project running inside a
> VMWare XP virtual PC on the Windows 7 box definitely with no problem
> accessing databases.   I do recall that the 'Database Not Set'  might be
> caused by some settings (loaded from an ini file) not yet being in place
> when the Form Create runs, so you might want to make sure this is not what
> is behind it.   I had similar problems which were due to that.
> If you are still stuck let me know, I could try a quick project - but I have
> D2007 not 2006.
> John
> Hi
> I've just installed my BDS 2006 based project on Windows 7.
> I have data aware components on a form communicating with datasets and
> tables on a Data Module Form (DM1).
> I have no problem when the database is empty. I can compile the project,
> enter information into the databases and close the project and the
> information is distributed properly.
> However, when I attempt to re-open the project (with the database containing
> information) it gives me a 'database not set' error and fails to compile.
> When I move the dataset and table to the component form and reconnect them
> to the components on the same form, the project compiles and I can add and
> delete information and re-compile with no problem.
> It seems that the problem may lay in a communication problem from the DM1 to
> the components.
> Is this possible??
> Bob
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