[DUG] Apple iPad - OT

John Bird johnkbird at paradise.net.nz
Thu Jan 28 16:12:32 NZDT 2010

Relevance to Delphi -

Whether its Symbian or iPhone or Android these devices are starting to rival 
desktop OS's as to the sheer number of people running them, and for 
developers to write for.

Whether these are making an end-run around Windows is another debate.   But 
I would love the ability to write at least some kind of stock standard VCL 
apps for them in Delphi.

The touch interface in latest Delphi is a big step in this direction...

In a way I don't really care about writing Delphi apps for OSX or linux, but 
the big growing market is iPhone and Android..

Ironically one of the formal advantages of Pascal is that it may have a head 
start in being cross compiled to other
platforms due to its formal design...

Will we see ability to cross compile Delphi to Android/iPhone/iPad anytime 


> I don't deny the iPhone is popular, but a lot of other phones are just as
> popular and many are still more popular.

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