[DUG] windows 7 and messagedlg

Stephen Barker Steve at webdata.co.nz
Wed Jan 20 11:15:30 NZDT 2010

I have a report from a Windows 7 user that a message from my app does not
show unless XP compatibility mode is selected.
The code that should fire is:
  messagedlg(msg, mtCustom, [mbOk], 0);

It is being ignored when run under normal Windows 7 default mode.
Any ideas?
I don't use Windows 7 here yet, but it looks like I may have to set up a
test environment. Actually I just have done a quick test using a simple
Delphi exe on Win 7 and it works fine. Must be something else in my app that
is causing the messagedlg to be suppressed. I guess I'll have to set up a
full Delphi 2007 install with components on Win 7 and debug this properly.


Steve Barker
Webdata Ltd
ph +64 9 4103074 

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