[DUG] What is the future for Delphi programmer?

John Bird johnkbird at paradise.net.nz
Tue Jan 12 16:15:16 NZDT 2010

> 1. Still maintaining Delphi code?

> 2. Started a new Delphi project in the last year?
Yes 2 or 3

> 3. Started a new project in another language in the last year (what was
> the language)?

No - well HTML

> 4. What other languages are you using learning?

Considering PHP or Ruby for Rails.

I want to wait and see if there is a posibility to compile Delphi for iPhone 
and/or Android.   If  Embarcadero are smart enough to jump into that hugely 
growing niche and it eventuates then Delphi could be a killer language 
again.   Neither of those platforms are likely to see .NET anytime soon and 
are likely to be the biggest development areas over the next 10 years. 
Likely to start killing Windows too.

Thats a prediction, as I saw minicomputers killed by the PC in the 90's


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