[DUG] Greetings

Jan Bakuwel jan.bakuwel at omiha.com
Wed Feb 24 12:50:27 NZDT 2010

Hi all,

Thanks for the replies :-)

> Jus out of curiosity, can you give me an idea how much Delphi is used in The
> Netherlands at all?

Quite a bit observing the participants to the UG conferences. I wouldn't
be able to give percentages (compared to other RAD environments) though.

Am I correct in assuming that Microsoft is "big" in NZ?

I still remember the days trying to compile a VB4 application with one
button on one form after doing a default install of VB4. The app
crashed... Then there was the terror of having to deploy VB
applications. Then I discovered Delphi 2... and all my worries were
gone. If something didn't work, I (or one of my team mates) was to blame
(and so the solution was near). I never looked back.

> BTW, interesting website what you have "It works!".

Well... at the end of the day, that's all that counts, doesn't it :-P ?
You can even interpret it in at least two ways (if you'd ignore the case)!


PS and yes, I'm actively participating in a Delphi project ... overseas ...

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