[DUG] Problem redeeming Delphi XE BOGO free product

Cheng Wei (FMI) chengw at fmi.co.nz
Tue Dec 14 17:01:43 NZDT 2010

Thanks John. Just installed Firefox Beta V4, Firefox Panorama is

|-----Original Message-----
|From: delphi-bounces at delphi.org.nz 
|[mailto:delphi-bounces at delphi.org.nz] On Behalf Of John Bird
|Sent: Tuesday, 14 December 2010 4:36 p.m.
|To: NZ Borland Developers Group - Delphi List
|Subject: Re: [DUG] Problem redeeming Delphi XE BOGO free product
|?[Browsers contd]
|10 seconds to page loaded is impressive when there are 269 
|tabs open in 20 groups, current group has 20+ tabs so all of 
|those are pretty much loaded 
|too - so yes that is fast.   1 or 2 tabs is a lot faster again.
|lots of tabs is useful if the browser handles it effortlessly, 
|rather than 
|bookmarking and closing them I just leave them open.    
|Particularly useful 
|for tabs I don't want to bookmark or keep long-term, and will 
|only refer to for a day or so.  Think of it as an alternative 
|to bookmarks and opening bookmarks.
|Firefox Panorama allows one to organise open tabs into 
|different groups, and drag and drop them from one group to 
|another.  The browser is pretty much only dealing with the one 
|current group of tabs at once (others are a 
|keystroke or two away).   Its like the multiple desktops 
|available in linux, 
|or MacOS.
|This is Off-topic - but relevant to Delphi in that these are 
|new paradigms about how to handle more objects than fit in a 
|menu or dropdown list.  The Vista/Windows 7 way is to make a 
|terrific search box.  The Delphi XE IDE 
|(IDE insight) and Windows Live Mail filtering does the same 
|idea.   The MS 
|Office way is to introduce the ribbon menus to find options 
|more easily.
|In Delphi applications the most usual approach is to filter a 
|large dataset in a grid.
|The Firefox Panorama is quite a new paradigm - organise groups 
|visually on screen yourself by spatial placement - the user 
|chooses the size  and 
|placement.  Way more intuitive than folders.   Its an 
|outstanding design 
|IMHO.  There are some issues with it, (mainly speed but 
|largely cured with hardware/graphics acceleration) but its as 
|new an idea as the Ribbon in 
|Office, or multi-touch.   But worth checking out as such a 
|design is likely 
|to be used and copied in lots of other software in future.
|Is 10 secs supposed to be impressive ?
|Chrome+ (note: NOT Google Chrome) 1.5.0 - start and load my 
|iGoogle home
|page is < 4 secs on my system (and that includes all widgets - 
|TradeMe, Stuff, BBC F1 News, Stack Overflow, Delphi Feeds) 
|having completed their initial update).
|>> handle 200+ tabs using same memory as most other browsers 
|with 10-20 
|>> tabs.
|>Show me a *USER* that can [productively] handle 10-20 tabs and I'd be 
|>surprised.  :)
|>200+ tabs... useful for feature list bragging rights, but 
|beyond that... ?
|Thats a bit like saying who would ever need more than 10 files 
|in a folder so why cater for it?
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