[DUG] XE Upgrade

Colin Johnsun colin.adug at gmail.com
Tue Aug 31 15:49:23 NZST 2010

Hi Jolyon,

On 31 August 2010 13:12, Jolyon Smith <jsmith at deltics.co.nz> wrote:

> I might be more impressed if they had actually fixed some of the bugs I
> myself reported that have languished in QC for 8+ years (and had not
> introduced new ones related to those in the meantime).

Just curious, did they ever get around to fixing those reported bugs this
time round. From my understanding of the history of Delphi, during that time
(8 years ago) Borland really turned its back on Delphi in its push to get
away from its dev tool roots. But in the last year or two EMBT had made a
big effort to address those concerns and really tackle a lot of those cases
in QC. Did they deliver?

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